753.278 PRODUCTS - 75.309 REFERENCES - 61.678 EAN


We guarantee you that the products are exempt from defects. In the case you should find a defect in a products, you  have to infoirm us as soon as possible and however within eight days, either  recommended letter with receipt of return or by fax, or telegram or e-mail. We will replace the product with the same one, if available, or refund you in the case the product is not longer available. The products has to be returned in the same conditions in which it has been supplied, with box, booklet, guarantee and it has not be have been used in any way. 

For defects that should be detected  during use, products are covered for 12 (twelve) months by the guarantee of the producer . A list of "Assistance centers" per each Country is provided in the booklet and/or warranty you find with each product.

We guarantee you that the products are conforming to the Italian norms and of the European Union (UE) to them applicable. 
We inform you, besides, of be not officials distributors of the Brands offered via our website

You for each need to assistance could contact our customer service (mailto: info@b2bhodinky.cz ).