1.417.849 PRODUCTS - 91.573 REFERENCES - 81.119 EAN
Scotch & Soda Eyewear: from Amsterdam, a keen eye for detail and vintage inspiration.
Born from the creative genius of Laurent Hompes in 1985, Scotch & Soda is a Dutch clothing brand.
From humble beginnings, Scotch & Soda has achieved steady growth through its dedication to originality and quality. Over the years, it has expanded its offerings to include a variety of clothing lines and accessories for men, women, and children.
The brand is known for its sophisticated yet accessible design, attention to detail, and strong vintage inspiration, capturing the timeless spirit of adventure and exploration. In 2020, the brand launched sunglasses that reflect its distinctive style: refined designs and unique details that blend vintage with a touch of modernity.
Explore our wholesale offer of Scotch & Soda sunglasses and select the most iconic models for your store!
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