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Gucci was founded in 1923 in Florence and their production started with the manufacturing of refined suitcases and leather goods inspired by English horse racing. today Gucci is synonym with a fashion empire that has no rival. Without ever losing its most distinctive cornerstones, the brand has evolved over the decades to coincide with the most fashionable trends, while maintaining the essential avant-garde attitude that has made the company unique.
Thanks to the visionary genius of Alessandro Michele, Gucci has overcome the limits of time and space with elements that make each garment unmistakable, despite the heterogeneity of their expressive forms. At WWT we have reserved an extraordinary assortment of Gucci watches for all our trusted retailers, at special wholesale prices on our e-commerce. Discover the best Gucci watches, and access our exclusive stock.
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Distant worlds, multi-ethnicity and non-conformity: a puzzle called Gucci watches is now on sale at WWT store. For Alessandro Michele, creation is an act of resistance, something that goes against the rules, against the fixity of styles and the obsessive repetition of standard tendencies. Gucci understands fashion as a purely personal matter, yet being authentically expressive.
The world of Gucci watches is a hyperuranium in which aesthetic canons collapse, and where everything is fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Animal inspiration is combined with the classic red and blue stripes. Fresh and colorful floral motifs renew the timeless brown-toned pattern with lovely overlays. Top-level leathers and the finest hand-made workmanship are the flagship of this inimitable collection, reserved for luxury retailers, only on WWT.it
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