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Born in America in 1937, Polaroid has distinguished itself over the years for its great quality and innovative strength that has permeated entire generations and products in the field of photography. But the history of this great brand was not limited to this sector; to them, in fact, we owe the production and sale of the most famous polarized lenses on the market, an event that eventually led to the creation of the renowned Polaroid sunglasses.
The quality of Polaroid sunglasses is a balanced mix of technology and elegance. Each model embodies all the knowledge of this brand, capable of ensuring complete protection from sunlight as well as incredible strength and solidity. Ideal for those who want something built to last, year after year, during the sunny summer days. Polaroids never betray.
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Polaroid sunglasses with polarized lenses ensure great protection from the sun's rays, and from all those blinding reverberations of light. The lenses are composed of a series of shock-absorbing layers, and are able to give maximum resistance to sunglasses and, at the same time, considerable flexibility. Finally, the more external scratch-proof layer further increases the longevity of the lenses.
Colorful, sparkling and full of character, Polaroid sunglasses are designed to offer the right model for any type of personality. Available for men, women and children, they range from classic, suitable for any occasion, to more exuberant and unconventional models, for those who want to remain faithful to their own fashion and aesthetic concept.
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