1.421.959 PRODUCTS - 91.564 REFERENCES - 81.031 EAN
Irreverent and cool-chic, Sonia Rykiel sunglasses are a classy fashion accessory for women who want to freely express their personality. The red haired, rebellious French designer is famous for her legendary pullovers that have earned her the title of "Queen of Shirts". The same fantasy and desire to break the schemes that characterized clothing are also found in her eyewear collections.
The equivalent of the reverse stitching - an iconic trait of the unconventional French brand - are the eyewear stems attached to the lower edge of the frames instead of the upper one. Stripes triumph: black and white or colored, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, small, large, charming solid colors and more. Another distinctive feature of Sonia Rykiel sunglasses for women is the over-the-top use of rhinestones and jewel details that adorn the edges and corners of the stems and frames with effortless ease.
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Sonia Rykiel is aimed at a clientele of sensual and cultured adult women with a sense of humour and a desire for independence. It's the perfect brand to revive your shop's assortment with original products worth excellent value for money. Make your best choice: choose the models selected for you by WWT, the B2B e-commerce that guarantees professionalism and affordable stock prices reserved for retailers and wholesalers.
Sonia Rykiel sunglasses for wholesale on WWT are selected among the trendiest models in the latest collections. Our catalogue includes seductive pastel pink cat-eyes embellished with a silvery detail that adds light, classic tortoise-shell patterned frames brightened up by a silver star at the two corners, bold cat-eyes with the upper edge studded with glitter, timeless striped patterned frames and other exclusive models.
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